C Claire and I are supposed to go for a run tonight. At 7. It's almost 6:30 now and she's sound asleep. I suspect there will be no run tonight.
The waterproofers started today. This is some major work. I'm broker than broke with this, but figure it'll be better to do it now than wait until a home inspection demands it. I'm attaching pictures but you must promise not to judge.
This is a critical piece, from what I remember of the sales pitch/presentation. Don't ask me what it is...looks like a potential planter to me.
Newly installed pipes which will take water from the window wells into the newly installed and under gravel pipe which I think will lead to the planter thing.
Although there don't seem to be any incoming pipes in the above picture. I must have it wrong. You think??
This was the worst corner in the house. I'm loving the gravel look.
Totally totally nasty. Who among you remembers this bit of hideosity? (I just made up that word to go with this forgotten remnant of yester-century.)
So the work is supposed to go on for about two weeks. These people will also re-sheetrock/drywall etc. The floor is ours to deal with but I had planned on that anyway.
We have moved everything necessary to our daily existence upstairs and are living quite comfortably, an indication that this house is too big for our needs. When I point this out I am met with stony silence but it is what it is and times they are a-changing. Right? Right.
And on that Louisey note, time to show off my new oh-so-delightful t-shirt, compliments of PLM. I have updated my progress etc. enough that I am now a three-star member. Along with my shirt, they sent me a nice form letter and a fat pen. Don't be surprised if, the next time you see me, I am sporting this new addition to my wardrobe while waving about my fat pen looking for something to write.
And, because it is for a cause we are all now very aware of, I offer the following:
Team McGee
Biomet Babes
I hate that I am doing this but I also feel compelled to do this. Please pass on either link to friends and friends of friends. Or passing acquaintances. Anyone. Anything will help and maybe, just maybe, there will be a cure in time for me and all the others. And if there is and I make it I promise I will never ask for a penny ever again.
Ha ha, that last sentence reminds me of someone on the negative energy list. No names required. But another on the negative energy list called my cell phone today. I didn't answer because who wants to get all tied up in THAT mess? Not I!
Ha ha again--it's 7PM and C Claire is still asleep. Time for a beer, yes?
Hugs to all.
1 day ago
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