THE ODDS (Debbie Does ALS)


Better late than never

Today, as Lisa was transferring me from the stair glide to the rollator seat, I paused and leaned against the wall. My back was pressed solidly against it and I asked Lisa to let go of my hands, which she did. Little by little I straightened my posture until I was standing up, nice and tall, unsupported (well, except for the wall). After a short time my back began to protest so I sat down, but what a wonderful few minutes.

When Jenny came by after her run, I had to show her my new parlor trick. She watched as Lisa helped me move to the wall then, as I stood there,  she put her arms around my neck and gave me a hug. And for the first time in many months, I was able to put both my arms around her.  It was a lovely, tender moment, one I will always cherish.

I wonder why I didn't try this before?

1 comment:

Mykljak said...

A wallflower blooms in Fredericksburg.

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