THE ODDS (Debbie Does ALS)


PLM Post

From today. What caught my eye was the title "Arm Weakness." I'm so lucky I'm not here.

Hi everyone, my arms are getting weaker and weaker, they seem to be ok from the elbow down (if that makes sense) but I'm having real trouble when I'm trying to lift a cup or spoon to my mouth. It's pretty funny if I'm trying to eat peas, by the time I get my arm up my hand is shaking so much all the peas have fell off. Does anyone know of something to help support my arms or tips on pea retention?



N:Some mashed potatoes or other textured food that might help hold your peas on the fork ~ I too have had to invest in Vanish strain remover for my tops getting covered in food dropped from a wobbly fork/spoon. I also have melamine dishes and plates, light to lift or move and the pattern I got has a raised edge to it so gives something to push the food against to get it on the fork.

XXX has posted about the Neater arm support, great device and here on alternatives How do you eat when you lose arm function.

I find for now using certain types of cutlery that are easier both to hold on to and to hold food ~ i often will use a 'Spork'

Your OT should be able to help you get these things, although I have found things myself online for a reasonable price.

Hope this helps..



I eat my peas with honey./I've done it all my life./It makes the peas taste funny,/but it keeps them on my knife.

Seriously, as XXX is mentioned, there are a number of assistive devices to help us eat. I have had trouble with my arms for some time. I always use a soup spoon to eat with, because I cannot get things to stay on a fork. I have to have someone cut my food into bite-size pieces. Recently, my OT found an arm support that clamps onto the edge of the table and supports my forearm while I am eating. I don't know the name of it, nor do I have a picture, but I will try to research it for you. Check with your OT and the ALSA loan closet near you. They may be able to help.


Hey N, I have the same problem eating peas, but usually I eat with a fork
so I recommend a table spoon if you're also using a fork. Try to keep
your elbows/arms relaxed on the table, (have enough space) and lower your
head more to reach the spoon. Avoid stress and cold, in my case they make
my hands and arms weaker.
A tip, if you smash the peas a little bit while coocking them, they will be
more stable in your plate and on the fork.

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