THE ODDS (Debbie Does ALS)



Headed across the pond for spring break. Was invited to upgrade my economy status to first, at the low low (low?) cost of -- get this -- $24,000. $24,000!!!!!!!! WTF?!? Who spends that kind of money on airfare??

Pas moi. I can't afford this trip, but I don't care.


Despite my slowness, I know the clock ticks.

I reflected today on the rigidity I have in my right arm. PT is great and my range is above average, but it is still difficult and painful to raise my arm above a certain point. I know the same thing is going to happen to my left arm and, in some fashion, to my legs, and more. And I know it will get worse. Not yet, probably not for a long time, but I don't know when so I'm seizing the day.

When I take a break from seizing, I'll drop a note.

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