You know what I really, really don't like? I don't like how dry my mouth becomes when I sleep.
In order to breathe comfortably, I sleep with my head and chest elevated (thank you, happy hospital bed). Sleeping this way, however, causes my jaw to drop and my mouth to open, resulting in a lot of dryness. Throw in the nightly amitriptyline and you have a hot, dry mess. I wake up periodically throughout the night, conscious of discomfort, and try to close my mouth and stimulate some salivary succor. Any relief is short lived -- once I fall back to sleep my jaw drops and the cycle repeats.
What I need is a chin strap to hold my jaw in place. Neoprene looks to be the most comfortable, stretchy and soft. I doubt chin straps are available at my local CVS so I will order one. In the meantime I'll have to be creative. Any suggestions?
5 days ago
Do you have any soft headbands? I'm sure that would work and you could pick them up at CVS.
My identity word just now was "sister". Nice coincidence. :)
I sleep with a very flat pillow and my jaw still drops open when I sleep. Never thought about headbanding it closed..... will have to try that
You never could keep your mouth shut.
Nursemyra, tell me if it worked for you. I believe successful headbanding depends on the skill of the headbander.
Martha, Alas, 'tis true, but those were better days...
I was thinking you could use panty hose. You know just like the dentist suggests after he takes widsom teeth out. But I bet he never knew about your no underwear with panty hose deal. :(
hahahahaha tam you are too funny! lol! then mom could rob a convenience store too :)
and wendy, the sister word verification just HAD to be on purpose! :)
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