THE ODDS (Debbie Does ALS)


Cautiously Hopeful

It is not a cure.  I still have the idiot disease.  But a glimmer of hope is on the horizon and its name is Lithium.  Dr Bayat called in response to my message to her about discontinuing the Rilutek.  Advised that she and her colleagues had concluded they would prescribe Lithium to those ALS patients who asked for it.  I appreciate the open mindedness and forward thinking of these doctors.  They really do want to help.

This might mean years versus months.  I don't have to get worse before they'll help me to get better.  This is worth a Friday afternoon smile.  

An interesting observation:  according to Dr Bayat my status is still "possible" ALS; I don't yet meet all the criteria for a full diagnosis nor would I be considered eligible for any trials.  Yet I am ENOUGH ALSish to prescribe Rilutek and, now, Lithium.  

Also:  the Lithium study was conducted using Rilutek, so I'll have to go back on it.  Waiting until the next clinic visit so I don't confuse my poor delicate little body.  

Here's another smile inducer:

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