THE ODDS (Debbie Does ALS)


There's No Place Like Home

Just back from a visit to family in wild, wonderful West Virginia. Where gas is $3.99 AT A MINIMUM and, at least at my nephew's house, there is no internet. NO INTERNET. There is hardly cell phone reception. All that notwithstanding, it was a nice visit and I got to see the great-nephews and great-niece; the nephews and their wives, the niece, the sister in law, and assorted others. All my daughters were present and accounted for, and I received many compliments on how lovely they are. Pictures to follow soon!

I paid $3.79 for gas when I got home. This time I was grateful. When I filled up, I needed 12.72 gallons. My car has a 13 gallon tank. I was MORE grateful for my little hybrid, which averaged about 50mpg for the tank.

Laundry calls. Love to all.

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