Owl are our our our our our our our our our our The preceding is what my voice recognition software thought Stella was saying as she barked at a truck. Just thought you'd like to know.
This morning, as Jenny and I ate breakfast, we listened to some lovely music from Loreena McKennitt. When Dante's Prayer came on, Jenny looked at me and said it might be a song to use for... the rest of the sentence remained unsaid. I knew what she meant and she knew I knew what she meant.
What she meant was my memorial PARTY which, since I am a control freak, I am planning in advance. I've begun collecting songs and invite any and all suggestions. One of the songs is attached for your listening pleasure.
I look forward to hearing from you!
5 days ago
please check out laura nyro's "Mother's Spiritual."
I say "Red Rubber Ball" - silly...
Nessum Dorma from Puccini's Turandot
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