THE ODDS (Debbie Does ALS)


Annandale Again

Wendy, Becky and I met at the oh-so-fine Foxfire Grill in Annandale. We drank mimosas, ate eggs benedict, omelets and bacon, drank more mimosas, spilled a few drinks, tackled DESSERT, then headed over to The Support Group.

We were the second to arrive. Dick was waiting in the lobby and greeted us--I knew he looked familiar but I couldn't remember his name. Luckily Ellen arrived and told me who he was. I thought it might have been Tony but learned that Tony is fading. Also learned that another man, who I'd actually seen at my last clinic, recently died. So Kevin, Rusty, and soon Tony. I wonder if one ever becomes inured to this. I wonder how Ellen deals with it.

The meeting was a good one: Dick's son and daughter-in-law brought their Polish sheepdog, called Panda because of his coloring. Frank and Sharon (Sharon is the PALS) brought their granddaughter Abbey. Deb and Pat (PALS) were there. And so was I, with my sister and my daughter. A smaller group than last time. There was conversation about wheelchairs, bi-paps, feeding tubes, lithium, pramipexole, falling, clinics, etc. It was a little easier for me for a variety of reasons. I've had more time to adjust if not quite accept. Plus, and this is very noteworthy, MY HAND AND ARM ARE STILL MY ONLY ISSUES. I told Ellen I'd kicked Louise out and she thought that was great.

The next session is in July, on the day I am to take C Claire to camp. I guess I'll go again in August.

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