THE ODDS (Debbie Does ALS)


Not a happy morning.

Today I am mulling over in my mind the recent posts I've read concerning
  1. Bathroom remodel or a ceiling hoist?
  2. How to eat when you can no longer hold your utensils or lift your arms
Informative, full of good ideas from the PLMers. Things I don't need to think about yet, but things I think about anyway.

I was having breakfast this morning, a lovely IHop feast. Conversation with Kendall and Dan was fun and lighthearted, but in the back of my mind ran thoughts of "bathroom remodel or ceiling hoist?" and "how will I eat when I can no longer hold my utensils or lift my arms?"

I thought about mentioning it but didn't want to throw a stupid Louise blanket over the morning. I feel like I too often bring up Louise and it's got to get old old old, especially with my young young friends. It's got to get old with my less young friends, too.

I'm sorry, everyone, so sorry.

The word "hoist" unnerves me. Knowing that one day....oh my God. That one day such a thing will be necessary. It's not like the key thingie. That's fun, not too serious. But the rest of this isn't fun at all.

How did I get this stupid disease??????????????????

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