Biopsies of the uterus HURT. I hate my annual pap test because of the pain and this was about a million times worse. Fortunately, because I had the biopsy, I don't have to have the pap. Whew, what a relief.
Scary note: during the lighthearted chatter following the biopsy, Dr Walker bent over and wiped up something off the floor. I freaked and said "was that ME??!!?!?!?!?!" to which kind, terrified Dr Walker said not to worry, it was only Betadine. I'm still not sure I'm convinced. And I'm pretty sure I scarred Dr Walker for life.
Happy note: BP was 108/68. Not the sky-high reading I always get at the idiot clinic.
I have my ultrasound Wednesday, painless except for the discomfort of a full bladder. I just hope I don't embarrass myself.
Okay, enough TMI talk.
Today brought another Matt-transition. He's cleaning some things up on his end and one of those things is his google calendar, which I USED to have rights to. No more. I got an automatically generated email advising me and I started to cry. How stupid was that? But it breaks my heart and for some reason I'm not adapting very well. As I've said ad nauseum, I am tired of having to fucking adapt to stuff. Isn't the goddamn disease enough? Sigh. I guess not. And I know everything happens for a reason, but c'mon.
I know. Get over it, right? Yeah, well, I'm having a hard time with this one and I am permitting myself a good wallow. I may show a good face at work but I don't have to here.
House update:
It's cold outside. I realized the value of my new doors and windows the minute I walked into the house. The heat wasn't even on and it was toasty.
5 days ago
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