THE ODDS (Debbie Does ALS)


Eating a cheeseburger and chips

Jenny and I had lunch on Saturday with an old friend, Bil. He took several pictures, a few of which I am posting here. I elected not to post the one of me drinking my wine through a straw because, while one must do such things, there are limits to what one will publish. Besides, I had not had my hair done. Louise may do her worst, but she will never affect my vanity.

As you can see I now eat cheeseburgers with a fork, which I manage to hold quite nicely. Chips are held awkwardly but sufficiently between thumb and forefinger.

See how nicely my sweater matches the greens.

It has been some time since I've seen Bil and I think it was a bit of a shock for him to see the change. That happens every now and then with people I don't see often.

Anyway, we had a nice time and the food was good. I would give it a (curved) thumbs up.

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