THE ODDS (Debbie Does ALS)


And later....

By 11:30 the meltdown had lost much of its energy. Too much to detail except for the final moments. Crying, sobbing in the bathroom she finally yelled out, "Do you know what you're doing, Mom? Do you know what you're doing to me?" I'd gotten into bed but was still awake. I called to her to come lie down next to me and we'd talk it out. When she did, she told me that, on the last day of camp, the Terrific Teens sit around and talk. One of the things they discuss is what makes them cry. She said this year she had something new--my disease. She sobbed some more and I held her close, feeling completely helpless. I am powerless to fix this one. My poor baby, the weight of this is so heavy on her. I would give anything, anything at all, to spare her this.

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